1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63
| %astart.m map=im2bw(imread('map1.bmp')); % input map read from a bmp file. for new maps write the file name here,灰度图转为二值图 source=[10 10]; % source position in Y, X format,根节点坐标 goal=[490 490]; % goal position in Y, X format,目标节点坐标 stepsize=20; % size of each step of the RRT,步长 disTh=20; % nodes closer than this threshold are taken as almost the same maxFailedAttempts = 10000; display=true; % display of RRT
%%%%% parameters end here %%%%%
tic; %%保存当前时间 if ~feasiblePoint(source,map), error('source lies on an obstacle or outside map'); end %%抛出错误信息 if ~feasiblePoint(goal,map), error('goal lies on an obstacle or outside map'); end %%判断起始点位置是否落在地图中 if display, imshow(map);rectangle('position',[1 1 size(map)-1],'edgecolor','k'); end %%画矩形,对应图片大小 RRTree=double([source -1]); % RRT rooted at the source, representation node and parent index failedAttempts=0; counter=0; pathFound=false; while failedAttempts<=maxFailedAttempts % loop to grow RRTs if rand < 0.5 sample=rand(1,2) .* size(map); % random sample,随机生成元素,元素属于0到1.令矩阵对应元素相乘,生成随机点。 else sample=goal; % sample taken as goal to bias tree generation to goal end [A, I]=min( distanceCost(RRTree(:,1:2),sample) ,[],1); % find closest as per the function in the metric node to the sample,找距离最小的元素,A表示距离,I表示索引 closestNode = RRTree(I(1),1:2);%I表示索引,返回最近节点坐标 theta=atan2(sample(1)-closestNode(1),sample(2)-closestNode(2)); % direction to extend sample to produce new node newPoint = double(int32(closestNode(1:2) + stepsize * [sin(theta) cos(theta)]));%%根据步长,线性拓展新节点 if ~checkPath(closestNode(1:2), newPoint, map) % if extension of closest node in tree to the new point is feasible可行的 failedAttempts=failedAttempts+1; continue; end if distanceCost(newPoint,goal)<disTh, pathFound=true;break; end % goal reached,如果新节点和目标节点距离在一定范围内,认为找到了目标 [A, I2]=min( distanceCost(RRTree(:,1:2),newPoint) ,[],1); % check if new node is not already pre-existing in the tree if distanceCost(newPoint,RRTree(I2(1),1:2))<disTh, failedAttempts=failedAttempts+1;continue; end RRTree=[RRTree;newPoint I(1)]; % add node,拓展RRTree,I[1]其实表达是他的父节点 failedAttempts=0; if display line([closestNode(2);newPoint(2)],[closestNode(1);newPoint(1)]); counter=counter+1;M(counter)=getframe;%%捕获坐标区或图窗作为影片帧 end end %%循环终止,代表搜索结束 if display && pathFound line([closestNode(2);goal(2)],[closestNode(1);goal(1)]); counter=counter+1;M(counter)=getframe; end if display disp('click/press any key'); waitforbuttonpress; end if ~pathFound, error('no path found. maximum attempts reached'); end path=[goal]; prev=I(1); while prev>0 path=[RRTree(prev,1:2);path];%%获取path,即从目标开始追溯每个父节点 prev=RRTree(prev,3);%%代表父节点 end pathLength=0; for i=1:length(path)-1, pathLength=pathLength+distanceCost(path(i,1:2),path(i+1,1:2)); end fprintf('processing time=%d \nPath Length=%d \n\n', toc,pathLength); %%输出距离总长,停止计时 imshow(map);rectangle('position',[1 1 size(map)-1],'edgecolor','k'); line(path(:,2),path(:,1));%%绘制最终的多段线。